In 1947 Winston Churchill told the House of Commons that “…when I am abroad I always make it a rule never to criticise or attack the Government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home. But when I am abroad and speaking to foreigners I have even defended our present Socialist rulers, and always I have spoken with confidence of the future destiny of our country. Here at home we must do our duty, point out the dangers, and endeavour so to guide the nation as to avoid an overwhelming collapse. But I have no patience with Englishmen who use the hospitality of a friendly nation to decry their own. I think this is a very good principle, and one which deserves general attention.” (18 April 1947)
This good advice was recently ignored by America’s former president, Barack Obama. Obama chose not only to criticize the United States while abroad in Brazil, but also to do so inaccurately. At The Federalist, Ryan Cleckner explains six lies that Barack Obama told a Brazilian audience about America’s gun laws.
Cleckner writes:
During a conversation with a host on stage during the digital innovation event, Obama took the opportunity to speak negatively about U.S. gun laws. He said, “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy [guns] over the internet, they can buy machine guns.”
His statement to a foreign audience includes six lies about our gun laws and one truth. Let’s start out on a positive note and cover the one true statement first.
‘Gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense.’
On this, Obama and I agree. I doubt, however, that we share the same reasoning.
Firearms in the United States are regulated by myriad, and often nonsensical or conflicting, laws and regulations. Here are just a couple examples of our absurd gun laws:
- If a plastic foregrip is added to an AR-15 pistol, without federal paperwork approved, taxes paid, engravings made, and months of wait-time, it is an illegal firearm. However, an AR-15 rifle with the exact same operating mechanism and cartridge fired may have the same foregrip added without consequence.
- A handgun with a rifled barrel (twisting grooves for bullet spin) that fires a shotgun shell is a standard firearm. However, the same handgun with a smooth barrel is a highly regulated firearm.
- A semi-auto shotgun made in America may hold more than five shotgun shells. However, if the same shotgun were imported, it may not.
Well, that was easy—we’ve covered all of Obama’s true statements. Now let’s tackle the lies.
He goes on to explain these six lies in Obama’s speech.
- Anybody Can Buy a Firearm
- Any Firearm Can Be Purchased
- A Firearm Can Be Purchased at Any Time
- Firearms Can Be Purchased with Few Regulations
- Firearms Can Be Purchased Over the Internet
- Anyone Can Purchase a Machine Gun
Read more here.