Be Safe on New Year’s Eve

By littlenySTOCK @

On New Year’s Eve millions of Americans will flock to celebrations held in town and city centers around the country. The festivities will be fun, but it’s also important to remember your safety when joining large crowds. Massacres like those in Nice, France in 2016 and earlier this year in Las Vegas show that insane people target large crowds in order to do the most damage. Las Vegas is, like other cities, beefing up security for the New Year’s Eve events. CNBC reports:

An unprecedented number of law enforcement officers and National Guard members will be on duty when tens of thousands of people gather to ring in 2018 on the Las Vegas Boulevard.

The heightened security measures come just three months after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history took place in Las Vegas.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department will have every officer working Sunday, while the Nevada National Guard is activating about 350 soldiers and airmen after lawmakers approved tripling the state funding for the event’s security measures.

The federal government is also sending dozens of personnel to assist with intelligence and other efforts.

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo on Wednesday said he is “confident every available resource is being used to make sure this New Year’s Eve will be safe.”

Read more here.

It is important for you to examine your vulnerabilities in situations like these. You are responsible for your own safety, and must act accordingly.