Trump’s “No Brainer” Energy Policy

President Donald J. Trump is applauded as he displays his signature after signing presidential permits Wednesday, July 29, 2020, at the Double Eagle Oil Rig in Midland, Texas. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The New York Post calls Donald Trump’s energy policy a “no brainer,” writing:

For Americans who want their lights, heat and A/C to keep working and to keep driving normal cars with gasoline available and affordable, the choice for president is a no-brainer.

Donald Trump is pushing a “drill, baby, drill” approach that will surge US oil and gas production and keep power plants healthy and energy supplies plentiful — holding down prices.

Kamala Harris will continue her war on fossil fuels, banning gas appliances and gas-driven cars, imperiling the nation’s electric grid — and driving prices up, up and up.

“I will be the American energy president,” Trump vows. He’s promising to cut energy costs in half.

That’s not just talk: In his first term, Trump made America energy-independent and kept prices low. Now he has a hyper-aggressive plan to boost US production, and keep prices low, again.

For starters, Trump would slash red tape, speed up approvals for new power plants, spur nuclear energy and scrap countless Biden-Harris anti-fossil-fuel rules.

Pennsylvania voters needn’t worry — as they must with Harris — that he’d ban fracking, which has supported hundreds of thousands of jobs in that state and generated enormous revenue.

Yes, Harris now claims she wouldn’t ban fracking either, but in her failed 2020 presidential bid, she said bluntly: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Action Line: Saving money on energy gives Americans more disposable income to get the economy going. Americans need price relief, not more of the Biden/Harris inflation they’ve suffered through for nearly four years now. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.