A thank you from Your Survival Guy for this correction from a valued client who could easily live off the grid in rural Rhode Island, but who used to live in view of New Hampshire’s beautiful mountains. I know how beautiful it was because we had coffee together at his kitchen island. In a recent post, Surviving to Climb New Hampshire’s 4,000 Footers and More, the mountain I was referring to was not Wamanake, but Moosilauke.
He wrote to me:
Hi EJ.
As someone who has climbed the 48 4,000 footers in the White Mountains (and many other lesser peaks in those magnificent mountains), I was perplexed by this sentence in your latest issue of Survive and Thrive:
“This is where my valued clients, we’ll call them Jack and Jill, found themselves this fall at the base of a 4,000 footer Mount Wamanake in New Hampshire.”
There is no 4,000 footer by that name. I don’t think there are ANY mountains in NH called Mount Wamanake. I can’t even figure out which peak you are referring to. Moosilauke perhaps? Or Waumbek? Or did you deliberately camouflage the identity of the actual mountain they climbed?
I’m not trying to antagonize you, but I think you know that I hold the White Mountains near and dear, so I would like to know which peak you’re talking about. Just because.
Sorry to be such a stickler.
Action Line: Read more about New Hampshire, your best state for gun rights by clicking here.