You may be one of the Americans who has suffered in a blue state as governors have gone wild, taking their emergency powers to new extremes. Your business may have been shuttered by their mandates. Your children were sent home, away from their friends and teachers. You may have lost your job.
You aren’t alone. Millions of Americans are suffering the same plight, along with possibly billions around the world.
According to Dr. Ron Paul, former congressman, and presidential candidate writing at, in Europe, citizens are “realizing that their government-mandated lockdowns did little or nothing to protect them from the virus, while causing economic catastrophe and untold human suffering.”
He continues:
They likely looked around and noticed that Sweden, which never locked down its economy, rejected face masks, and kept its restaurants and other places of business open, did not fare any worse than the countries that have been turned into open air prisons for much of the year. In fact, Sweden had a lower death rate from the virus than strict lockdown states like the UK and France. No wonder people are starting to get angry.
Unfortunately, while the Europeans are waking up, Americans are still asleep as our freedoms continue to be trampled. While Europeans demand an end to government tyranny, here we see states with minuscule new deaths returning to lockdown. It is as if all the wannabe tyrants from mayors to governors are finally realizing their secret dreams of ruling by decree. Their dreams are our nightmares!
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy put citizens “on notice” that he will lock the state back down if people dare to go outside without a face mask or even to have guests inside their own homes! What kind of politician puts his own constituents “on notice”?
It is not as if the “experts” are even looking into treatments for the viral infection. Doctors who report their own successful experience treating Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine, for example, are ridiculed, censored, and even fired from their jobs. The rush to silence “America’s Frontline Doctors” last week and to disappear their video down the memory hole should terrify anybody who still believes in free speech.
No, they say, we must keep locked down and masked until we have a vaccine. The US government is dumping billions into a vaccine that may be less than 60 percent effective to prevent a virus that has something like a 99.8 percent survival rate. What kind of math is that?
How many may be harmed more by the vaccine than helped? We’ll probably never know because the US government has just granted big pharma immunity from liability claims if the vaccine produces damaging side effects.
As those realizations hit Europeans, they are taking to the streets. Thousands were out in Berlin, according to Paul, “proclaiming a “Day of Freedom” and demanding an end to government-mandated face masks and “social distancing.” The UK and Netherlands also saw large protests against their governments’ tyrannical actions in response to the coronavirus outbreak.”
The Germans protesting in Berlin don’t have much choice as to relocating away from the repressive policies of their government. You, on the other hand, do.
You may be considering an escape from the city. Many Americans are. If you’re serious about moving to a better America, keep up with the latest on how America’s states are competing for you by clicking here to sign up for my monthly Survive & Thrive newsletter. But only if you’re serious.
E.J. Smith - Your Survival Guy
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