In Boise, Idaho on Saturday, a man attacked a child’s birthday party, stabbing six children. When three adults tried to intervene, he stabbed them as well. This was a career criminal who had spent time in prison. The man, Timothy Kinner, allegedly attacked the party where refugees from Iraq, Syria and Ethiopia were celebrating the third birthday of a little girl. She was injured in the attack. Courtney Han, Mark Osborne and Bill Hutchinson report:
The rampage occurred at the Wylie Street Station apartments, a low-income complex where many refugees have been settled.
Bones said Kinner is from Los Angeles and had been invited to stay for a few days at the apartment of a renter who had shown him compassion, Bones said. But due to his disruptive behavior, Kinner was asked to leave the apartment on Friday, the chief said.
“He returned last night to exact vengeance, not just on those whom he had been [staying] with because they were not at the apartment, but at any target that was available,” Bones said.
The stabbing spree unfolded around 8:46 p.m. when Kinner returned to the apartment where he had been staying and found nobody home, Bones said.
“The tragedy was that a 3-year-old little girl was having a birthday party just a few doors down from where Kinner had been staying,” Bones said. “Kinner attacked, targeting the children initially. The 3-year-old girl, whose birthday it was, was one of those seriously injured.”
Protecting your family is the most important thing you can do in your life. My series Get Your Gun and Your Training Now, is intended to encourage Americans to take their personal security into their own hands. When chaos comes to your house, you are the first responder. You can meet that chaos with training and firepower, or meet it with fear and empty hands.