THE GREAT RESET: A Plan to Change the World by Destroying Its Economy

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sits with World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab before the Secretary addressed attendees on January 22, 2016, at the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. [State Department Photo/Public Domain]
You have read extensively about the Great Reset here at Your Survival Guy. You know a lot about Joe Biden’s Great Reset point man, John Kerry, and his dealings with WEF co-founder Klaus Schwab. When it comes right down to it, Democrats, and even some Republicans, want to use an economy-destroying green agenda to remake the world in their image.

At GIS, Emmanuel Martin, an economist who has worked with the Cato Institute, and who is currently the senior lecturer in economics at the Aix-Marseille University and Catholic Institute of Vendée in France, explains why such economy-destroying “de-growth” movements are so bad. He writes:

While many city dwellers in affluent countries, especially Generation Z, sympathize with degrowth, they are utterly dependent on growth. Eighty percent of the now city dweller population in OECD countries is sustained by a complex, modern, industrial economic system. What are these people to do? Much of the secondary and tertiary sector would now be “unnecessary.” Which urban garden will they grow?

The Yellow Vest movement in France’s big cities and their peripheries began precisely as a response to increased taxation on gas – meant to incentivize CO2 reduction. It is hard to imagine how degrowth policies will be accepted socially.

The green-inspired policies have undermined one critical condition for growth – energy availability. Disinvestment in traditional fossil energies has taken place, reinforced by the ideas of stakeholder capitalism and the Great Reset. The war in Ukraine has only increased existing trends concerning energy supply, especially in Europe, where disinvestment also concerns nuclear energy.

To some extent, degrowth is now becoming an almost self-fulfilling prophecy. French President Emmanuel Macron recently warned of “the end of abundance.” The current energy and inflation crisis puts degrowth to a new test.

You read about Macron’s “time of abundance,” comments here. The perpetrators of the Great Reset are asking you to give up your standard of living in order to pursue a world in which only the wealthy and connected will be able to maintain a modern life. When plentiful energy and economic growth are denied, the middle classes of the world will disappear. Only the wealthy will be able to afford the luxuries of modern life.

Action Line: World leaders like America’s “Climate Czar” are forcing artificial scarcity on their citizens. Man-made disasters are the next threat to the world’s people. You need to prepare your family. If you need help, guidance, and encouragement to prepare your family’s financial and personal security, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter. We’ll weather this storm together.