Union Leadership Corrupts Your City and Towns

By Haryadi CH @ Shutterstock.com

When there’s no accountability, transactions are corrupt. It’s a breach in the social contract. Union leaders make a living on it.

When was the last time you were asked to weigh in on teacher and public safety contracts in your city or town? I’m not talking about speaking up at a town meeting where votes were decided yesterday. I’m talking about sitting down at your kitchen table and going over the town budget. Are you bargaining with the unions leaders?

Are local reps knocking on your door for advice or only when they want your vote? How about if you’re a teacher or police officer? Are you happy about paying your union dues? I’m pretty sure the answer is no.

You and I know it’s a few bad apples that ruin the bunch, where teachers who need to be fired stick around for a lifetime and where bad cops police with a vengeance. Hey, there’s no accountability because of the union leadership’s mob-like protection plan.

You and I pay the price. The transaction between union leader “A” and politician “B” has nothing (to borrow a point from Amity Shlaes) to do with you and me the taxpayers “C” footing the bill. We are the forgotten men and women. But politician “A” blames the entire police force of good men and women sacrificing their lives to serve and to protect.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar bashes the city’s police, saying law enforcement should be reimagined. “The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform. It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis,” she said. Newsflash to Rep. Omar: Get rid of the union, and you’ll have the police force your constituents deserve.

Calling out the entire police force is a progressive dream. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson told CNN it would lead to chaos and people taking justice into their own hands. “You want to abolish police departments. Are you kidding me?” Good luck with that.

As a recipe for disaster continues to be cooked up by failing progressives, the case to get your family the safety it deserves continues to strengthen. Your Survival Guy has had it.

More on unions and their destruction of states and pension plans in America: