Cheers from London

Well, Your Survival Guy made it to England after a seven-night Atlantic crossing on the QM2 from Brooklyn, NY, to South Hampton, just over two hours away from The Dorchester Hotel.

What can I say about our voyage that you can’t already guess? It’s a long way on a big ship on a big ocean with plenty of fog, wind, and rain. There may have even been some sun and haze on one of the days.

Starting out, it felt like it was going to be a long week, but as soon as you get into the pace of life aboard ship and of losing an hour a day for five of the seven days, you feel as if you’re going straight to lunch after breakfast, then cocktails at six, and not long after that, dinner.

If you want to be treated like a royal, stay in the Queens Grill Suites and dine in the Queen’s Grill. Talking with our servers and wine sommeliers at the Grill made all the difference in the world as they introduced us to some of their favorites, encouraging us to venture from French Burgundy and northern Rhône to South African Syrah.

Daily activities included a solid walk around the perimeter of the boat. Three laps around the QM2 is just over a mile. And we got our steps in by walking from our floor, nine, down to two, and back up again.

Action Line: Let’s talk about your adventures, both in retirement and before. When you’re ready, I’m here. Until then, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.

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