“I Want to Be a Farmer, a Garbageman, or Tom Brady”

By JACEK SKROK @ Shutterstock.com

Life is full of pressures, and they don’t lessen over time. Life doesn’t get easier. Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart.

In high school or college, we’re asked what we want to do. Not an easy question to answer. The only time it’s easy to answer that question is when you’re a kid. “A Farmer, a garbageman, Mrs. Smith, my first-grade teacher, a fireman, Tom Brady…” They just roll off the tongue with conviction when you’re a child. In my conversation with you, we were laughing, “I’m still trying to figure it out,” you said.

Which got me thinking, “What kind of investor do you want to be?” It’s funny (not that funny), but when we look back at our “best” investments some of the good ones are from what we didn’t do. Take your house, for example. After taking out a mortgage at a double-digit interest rate, somehow you got it paid off, and it’s worth something. You didn’t trade options. You didn’t write a “call” on your living room, hoping it’d be in the money next month. What if you were wrong and lost that room to the market? At least you wouldn’t be asked, “What are we going to watch tonight?” anymore.

Action Line: Don’t be disillusioned, dear reader, by the “doing,” especially when it comes to investing. I don’t even like the word because it means taking on some level of risk with your hard-earned money. Don’t try to be the “other” guy. You be you. It got you this far. I want to hear how you did it. Let’s talk.