Just a Few Problems I See with AI Portfolios: Part I

By Sittipong Phokawattana @ Shutterstock.com

How much Artificial Intelligence do you want in your portfolio? Your Survival Guy doesn’t want it anywhere near mine. But AI is already in the sports pages with a recent Ohio high school football recap written with the heart of a Tin Man. How much longer until we have ivory tower dwellers and woke politicians writing the rules for investments? What could possibly go wrong? Here’s some I’ve come up with.

“Dear AI: Your Survival Guy wants a diversified portfolio.” How would AI interpret this?

Your Survival Guy wants “an eclectic mix of dividend paying stocks.” How would AI interpret eclectic? One can only guess.

“AI, listen up, I don’t want life-sucking loads or criminal 12b-1 fees.” Would AI even know what that means?

I want low expenses and low turnover. But what if it’s programmed to ignore those altogether?

“AI, I want a KISS approach. Let me be clear on that: Keep it simple, stupid.” No compute.

Action Line: Stick with me, not the bots.

Read Part II here.

Originally posted August 31, 2023.