If you’re a serious investor and you’re wondering what to do with your lazy cash, then stop what you’re doing and listen. Contrary to what you might believe, no one’s going to force you to do anything about that good for nothing lazy cash sitting in your favorite chair.
Your lazy cash may tell you all the news of the day, but what does it really know about earning a living, never mind investing? Well, Your Survival Guy is here to help because we all need someone who will do the dirty work like a Hollywood fixer. Why get your hands dirty?
As if it’s not annoying enough to listen to the talking heads about the “opportunities” in this market, the last thing you need in your day is some smarty pants lazy cash sitting around telling you how to live your life. You’re the boss. If your lazy cash sits around telling you the world is coming to an end, how are you supposed to take action? It’s scary out there. The last thing you want to hear is, “I told you so.”
Think about the cash you have in terms of objectives, in terms of your cash living a productive life. Because we know, all cash is different. Yes, of course, you want a stash of cash in your home safe. Yes, you want a pile at your bank for WTSHTF. But how much more beyond that do you really need, and by doing nothing about the rest, doesn’t inflation make the first two less valuable? Your cash ain’t runnin’ as fast as it once did.
Action Line: Your cash can do more for you, and yes, it can actually get up in the morning and go to work. It can also pay you while you sleep. But it doesn’t have to be a swing-for-the-fences approach either, which I despise. Serious investors understand the virtue in patience regardless of the market. But come on, one can only have so much PATIENCE. Time to get to work.