OK, you don’t need to look too far to see how low-interest rates are. Talk about a tax on savers. And the destruction of the dollar isn’t far behind.
That’s why my favorite investment continues to be in yourself. If you have a job, try and keep it for as long as possible. If you’re retired, invest your dollars like they’re the last ones you’ll make.
I know you don’t want to hear this. But there is no Robinhood coming to save us. On the contrary, the more this market melts up, the more it will melt down when the reckoning arrives. And arrive it will. Remember, “adventures make one late for dinner.”
When you invest with safety first, you become a more relaxed and confident investor. You begin to understand how hard it is to make a dollar. And you do everything in your power to protect them as if they’re family members.
I want you to prepare for the worst. Don’t hope for the best because hope isn’t a strategy. It’s a feeling loaded with emotion. And emotion is not an investor’s friend.
When faced with adversity, investors react. They revert to their level of training. This isn’t my opinion. It’s just the truth. Get your portfolio properly positioned before it’s too late.
Action Line: Read more about how to protect yourself from inevitable turmoil in markets by learning about the power of counterbalanced total returns here.