Your ability to act and stand-up against higher education (as in higher cost), federal, state and local taxes and the politicians that enact them has never been more necessary or crucial to your family’s long-term survival and prosperity.
It’s preposterous to believe those living in ivory towers and the politicians controlling your tax dollars know better than you. They don’t.
You are the best caretaker for your family and for your money.
That’s why it concerns me when blue states, in particular, come after your hard-earned money due to their misappropriating taxpayer dollars for years. To them (we’ll call them group A) the path of least resistance is to talk to group B (those with no skin in the game) to take away from group C (you).
I’ve been spending years focused on ways for you to beat back this mob. Because at the end of the day it’s immoral to take away another person’s lifetime of sacrifice, or in other words: SAVINGS.
Just this week in blue state Rhode Island, the Newport City Council proposed a 2% conveyance tax on the buyers of real estate. This means, for example, a $400,000 purchase would be hit with an $8,000 tax. What pencil pushers fail to recognize is this will be paid by the seller in a lower sale price. You really can’t make this stuff up.