The Most Beautiful Trips I Took Were Through…

By khonkangrua @ Adobe Stock

Growing up, Your Survival Guy’s mom would always talk about prior planning. It would often revolve around a vacation we felt lucky to be taking. “Prior planning,” she would say with a smile, hardly believing it herself, deep down knowing how hard it was to spend the money. When you learn at an early age the value of a dollar—how hard they are to come by—you do not overpay even when you can afford it.

Which brings us to you and your spending plan in retirement. You want to have a plan. You want to prior plan to take those trips on your bucket list and be a good spender. You worked your entire life to be able to have the retirement you deserve. I’m here to tell you that you can have your cake and eat it, too.

I know this because I’ve helped countless clients live through every stage of their retirement. It just takes some prior planning and staying on top of how much you want to do and at what cost. I don’t want to hear about inflation. You saved ‘til it hurt and worked forever. Now it’s time to enjoy it.

You can do this because you understand values, and you will be ready to pounce when they’re right—they don’t have to be perfect. There will be some pain. But you deserve to dress nicely. You deserve to take the trips you dream about. You will feel like a million bucks being with your loved ones in a different setting. Do it. Whoever said it’s about the journey was right, but they say it after they’ve arrived. Let’s not forget the destination is pretty nice, too.

Action Line: Prior Plan. Be like Yves Saint Laurent, who said: “The most beautiful trips I took were through books, on my couch, in my living room.” Now, get your lazy cash off the couch, go shopping, and plan that trip. When you’re ready to get planning, email me at