You Owe it to Yourself to Continue Doing What You’re Good At

By Drazen Zigic @

Coronavirus Infects Stock Market: Part XLVI

Clients of mine on the West Coast, we’ll call them Rock and Tess, sold their business a number of years ago. They were in their early 50s. Rock could care less about money. Tess handles that. Rock fixes things.

Rock can fix just about anything mechanical.

Rock is still working.

He doesn’t need to.

But Rock loves his work.

He continues to do what he loves to do.

In speaking with Tess this week, I remind her that a j-o-b is one of the most valuable assets in the world today.

If “retirement” can wait, why not let it?

I tell her Rock should continue to work. She laughs and says that’s what he loves to do.

Rock is the best at what he does.

It’s funny how you become passionate about your work when you’re good at it.

When starting out in life, what’s most important is making some money to survive and hopefully the passion follows.

I view Rock as one of America’s great success stories.

He didn’t start out looking to live a dream. He needed to put food and the table.

It wasn’t easy. He paid his dues.

In times like these, remember how you got here.

How hard it was to get here.

Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit.

If you’re thinking about retiring, maybe push it back few years.

When you consider how long it took you to get to where you are today, you realize you can’t do that overnight.

You owe it to yourself to continue doing what you’re good at.