As Sleepy Joe reluctantly attempts to pull more than seven million unemployed Americans off the couch, he may want to take a look down his party line to seek out the rot. Because when he drills down into the deep Blue States, especially big blue blob cities, he’ll see years of political largesse finally coming home to roost.
Take a look at Newport, RI, for example, where the streets are lined with cars from New York. Woke workers who could afford to work remotely are already here as local restaurants struggle to staff up. For years, politicians treated Newport properties as an endless piggy bank but never thought about affordability for service workers. The jobs Sleepy Joe’s bringing back are for burger flippers, not software design. But someone flipping burgers in Newport can’t afford to live anywhere nearby.
On a recent walk, Your Survival Guy witnessed a group of visitors standing in front of a real estate office gawking to each other about the prices as if watching a stock market tape. The cost of admission to buy a house is absurd. If you’re an owner, is that really good news? What if you want to keep your family intact and not outsource them like a commodity like so many prohibitively expensive cities and towns have had to do?
A Covid winter is coming, and politicians will do whatever they can to keep working this manmade disaster to their political benefit. Prices are way up for food as America experiences shortages in the supply chain. And, as one client tells me, the prices on the right side of all the takeout menus filling up his kitchen drawer are obsolete, a phenomenon I’m sure is taking place in your neck of the woods as well. Talk about sticker shock.
Action Line: Pay attention to what’s happening where you live or places you’ve visited. Prices don’t go down when there’s no supply, and yet, politicians think they can fix it all with your money. That ship has sailed.