Where do you begin as a parent in describing another horrific shooting? Words can’t describe the horror and now loss of sons and daughters that won’t be coming home for Thanksgiving. What is the anti-gun crowd thinking? We know bad guys will get their guns—it takes good guys with guns to stop them.
Talk to your children tonight about the evil they may face in places where people gather. This is not a subject to avoid. Make sure they know to always have an exit plan and always think about what to do if the unspeakable happens.
At Fox News, Katherine Lam and Stephen Sorace explain the chaos:
Witnesses inside the bar — which bills itself as “Ventura County’s largest country dance hall and live music venue” — told reporters how some patrons used chairs to break windows in a bid to escape the chaos while others scrambled between shots to hide in the establishment’s attic.
“We all just kind of froze for a split second and then everyone booked it and dove to the floor,” said Teylor Whittler, who was on the dancefloor when the shooting started. “After the first round it was quiet for about five seconds, and then some guys who were next to me on the floor got up and started sprinting toward the back door and yelled at everyone, ‘Get up! Run! He’s coming!”
Read more here.