Ron DeSantis is taking his ‘anti-woke’ message on the road with a visit to Staten Island on Monday morning for breakfast with law enforcement and remarks on his ‘blueprint on keeping communities safe’ while kicking off his ‘Law and Order’ tour.
He delivered remarks at Privé catering hall on the South Shore of Staten Island and accused lawmakers in New York and other Democratic enclaves of trying to ‘out-woke’ each other with policies that have led to a spike in crime and breakdown of law enforcement power.
The Florida governor’s swing through the northeast is fueling speculation that he is inching closer to announcing a bid for president in 2024. His one-day trip will also feature stops in Philadelphia and Chicago.
DeSantis touted the success he’s been having in Florida. Caralle writes:
Ahead of the rally, DeSantis had breakfast with law enforcement at Annadale Terrace diner across the street from the location for his remarks.
A spokesperson for DeSantis said that the governor went to the diner and Privé catering hall Monday morning to meet cops and other law enforcement officers where they are and usually frequent.
DeSantis began his remarks by claiming that leaders in cities like New York are putting policy above safety.
‘The reason why you have what you have in some of these other jurisdictions, is because they’re putting woke ideology ahead of your safety – as New Yorkers, as people from Illinois or wherever you have this type of policy taking place,’ DeSantis said.
He also accused Democratic politicians of trying to ‘out-woke one another’ in order to win a primary in left-leaning enclaves like New York and going on to win primaries because of the extreme political imbalance in these areas.
He also repeated at the conclusion of his speech a line he used during his inauguration remarks last month, claiming that Florida ‘is where woke goes to die.’
Action Line: Whether or not Ron DeSantis decides to run for the presidency, his success in Florida is undeniable. That’s why Florida has achieved a top ranking among Your Survival Guy’s 2023 Super States. Click here to sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.