DESANTIS RESISTS: Suspends Soros-Funded Destruction of America

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo meets with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in Miami, Florida on January 23, 2020. [State Department Photo by Ron Przysucha/ Public Domain]
Your Survival Guy’ sees in The Wall Street Journal that dogs are now convincing their owners to fly private. Who knew dogs could talk? The ease of moving pets via chartered flights is yet another catalyst moving air travel away from commercial—as if it were on purpose. How hard will it be for the green mafia to ground the private jets once commercial air is in ruins? Don’t worry, Taylor Swift will be fine. The woke won’t ground her personal air force because she leases them out to friends. Swell.

Oh, the woke. Living their “best life.” Like taking a state trip to Taiwan on the taxpayer’s dime. And in a separate WSJ piece, we read that the rich are worried about losing that indispensable personal assistant making somewhere in the range of $200-400k. Nothing to see here. There’s no slowing economy, inflation, or interest rates to worry about. There’s a real concern —a real uncertainty to contend with—that the help might leave.

Speaking of needing help, where’s Biden going from here? The polls are disastrous. Not that anyone’s polling Your Survival Guy (at least I know others are feeling the same way as me). The trend is to move to a red state—and make changes at the local level. Teachers’ unions poked mamma bear. Now blue states can expect fewer students and a smaller tax base. It’s happening. Look for your America in my Super States.

Friends of ours were in New York City this week on separate trips. Both tell us the place is a mess. And yet George Soros says it’s the legal system that’s broken. Maybe he should spend some time on the streets and let us know how that works out for him. Don’t expect NYC to rebound anytime soon.

What America needs is more governors (and presidents) like Ron DeSantis, who will take matters into their own hands when elected officials/DAs don’t do what they were elected to do—which is uphold the law. DeSantis recently suspended Soros-backed State Attorney Andrew Warren for failure to do his job. Fox News reports:

The news that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was suspending a state attorney accused of choosing ideology instead of enforcing the law Thursday reverberated across Twitter.

DeSantis suspended 13th circuit state attorney Andrew Warren after he had pledged not to enforce laws restricting child sex change surgeries and abortions.

DeSantis told Fox News in an exclusive interview, “We had the individual here from Hillsborough County say and signed letters that there are certain laws he just won’t enforce and won’t prosecuted,” he added that “States attorneys that put their ideology over the rule of law are not satisfying their oath of office.”

The decision sent shock waves across Twitter, with many conservative leaders and commentators sharing their approval.

“@GovRonDeSantis is taking Soros funded woke prosecutors head on by suspending them pending removal from office by the FL Senate. Hillsborough County’s @AndrewWarrenFL is his first example and it’s glorious,” conservative commentator John Cardillo.

Cardillo added further the entire conservative movement can follow DeSantis’ lead: “@GovRonDeSantis didn’t just suspend a woke prosecutor today. In doing so he also ensured law and order and election integrity on the western end of the I4 Corridor, one of FL’s most critical electoral geographies. Every other GOP politician must follow DeSantis’s lead.”

Florida congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini also offered kudos to DeSantis, slamming Warren for his conduct, tweeting, “Glad to see Pro-Crime Leftist psychopath Andrew Warren removed from office. Thank you @GovRonDeSantis!”

Action Line: August in Newport is a great time to get yourself a lobster roll. Escape the heat. Come to Newport. You’ll be glad you did. Let me know when you’ll arrive so we can schedule a meeting.