Do You Remember Barry Goldwater the Conservative Gangster?

Title: IVU w/Sen. Barry Goldwater Creator(s): Leffler, Warren K., photographer. Date Created/Published: 1974 January 22. Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540

Do you remember Barry Goldwater? Let’s not forget, he was one of the original conservative gangsters, whose manifesto, The Conscience of a Conservative, helped pave the way for one Ronald Reagan. Yes, times are different today, and Reagan’s not walking through those doors. But someone needs to step it up and make it happen. The door is wide open thanks to Biden’s incompetence. Where is the leader who puts America’s families first?

Action Line: Families are at the heart and soul of the future for the Republican Party. That’s the idea President Trump stood up for, and someone (Trump?) needs to run on it.