The radicals are running the show in the Democratic Party. Despite being touted as a “moderate” on the campaign trail (from his basement), Joe Biden has proven himself incapable of succumbing to the radical Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party. Kyle Smith reports at the NY Post:
Democratic pundits, worried about the midterms and Joe Biden’s terrible approval ratings, are sounding the alarm: That dastardly “fringe” is hurting the party.
“This whole noisy, identity left” composing “15% of the party” has taken over (James Carville). “The Democrats have to step away from the super wokeness” (MSNBC host Donny Deutsch).
But what’s the distinction between super wokeness and ordinary wokeness when the party’s oldest and most mainstream members are all pushing ideas that would have seemed outlandish in the Obama era?
Biden offered a Fed nominee who said she wanted to deny credit to the fossil fuel companies that power America, and tried to put an actual Marxist in charge of the currency. Only 10% of the senators in the party spoke out against this.
The party’s new legal superstar, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, can’t offer a definition of a woman because “I’m not a biologist”? Being moderately woke is like being moderately pregnant.
Democrats now view everything in terms of who’s being systematically oppressed. The reasonable view of racism is that there has always been racism in America. The woke translation is that America is defined by bigotry. From there you get to “I have no idea how to distinguish a woman” in about three intellectual moves.
Trans people claim to be oppressed, they insist that a woman or man is whoever declares that status on any given day, and because oppression must be cosseted, acknowledged, and put at the forefront of every question, the Democratic Party nods enthusiastically or simply remains silent. Voters are bound to notice when a party is singing nothing but looney tunes.
Don’t call it a lunatic “fringe.” Lunacy is the heart, soul and brain of the Democratic Party now. As essayist Wesley Yale noted on Twitter, “The existence of a controversy” about the definition of a woman “is something manufactured within the last five years, and not through advancement of our scientific understanding.”
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