Trump’s Record-Breaking New Hampshire Win

President Donald Trump give remarks at the Unleashing American Energy event at Energy Department headquarters. June 29, 2017. Photo Simon Edelman, Energy Department.

With his win in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary, Donald Trump broke the state’s record for most votes in a primary race. Sandy Fitzgerald reports for Newsmax:

With his victory in New Hampshire on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump set a record for most votes received in the state’s presidential primary.

The previous record was held by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who received 152,000 votes in the state’s 2016 race for the Democrat nomination, according to a post on Medium from that election, which quoted records from the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office.

Sanders lost the nomination to Hillary Clinton, who lost the 2016 race to Trump.

As of Wednesday morning, The New York Times reported that 163,713 were cast for Trump in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

Before Trump’s victory, the top vote-getters were Sanders, along with:

  • 2000: John McCain: 115,490
  • 2008: Hillary Clinton: 112,404
  • 2016: Donald Trump: 100,406
  • 2012: Mitt Romney: 95,669

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