Residents of Wyoming have had enough of Rep. Liz Cheney. Her hatred of Donald Trump, who many Equality Staters voted for and support, put Liz Cheney into trouble. But her vote to impeach Trump put her over the edge for many voters. Now, Cheney’s GOP primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, is poised to eject Cheney from her position in Congress. World Tribune reports:
Harriet Hageman, who is running in the GOP primary in an effort to unseat Wyoming RINO Rep. Liz Cheney, noted there is “one overriding theme” she has encountered while campaigning — “we’re fed up.”
“We’re fed up with a federal government that doesn’t seem to work for us anymore,” Hageman said at former President Donald Trump’s Save American rally in Casper.
Team Biden’s policies, Hageman said, “threaten to turn the greatest country on Earth into a third world failure.”
Candidate Hageman had an impressive list of things the audience was fed up about, with applause punctuating each item on her long list of what’s wrong, culminating in Fauci, Biden and … Liz Cheney.
In a shot at her primary opponent, Hageman said “we’re fed up with the Jan. 6 commission and those who think they can gaslight us.”
Action Line: Americans all over the country are fed up with politicians who think more about protecting the interests of the big corporations who fund their campaigns than of the voters they represent. Follow Hageman’s progress with me by clicking here to sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.