Americans Respond to the “Defund the Police” Movement by Arming Themselves

By ja-images @

You may have heard the saying “when seconds count, police are minutes away.” That’s true in normal times, now imagine how long response times will be when police are defunded across America.

If you have any doubt about whether or not Americans are paying attention to the attempt to defund the law keepers, doubt no more.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board explains that “When citizens conclude cops won’t protect them, they buy firearms.”

They write:

Patricia and Mark McCloskey are the couple made instantly famous—or infamous—after a video showed them wielding firearms as they fended off protesters who had trespassed on private property outside their St. Louis home.

The Circuit Attorney for St. Louis, Kimberly Gardner, reacted by issuing a statement saying she planned an investigation, and that her office will not tolerate any effort to chill peaceful protest by the “threat of deadly force.” Never mind that Mr. McCloskey says he and his wife feared they’d be killed. As they told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “the only thing that kept those mobsters, that crowd, away from us is that we were standing there with guns.”

If soaring gun sales are a guide, millions of Americans are with the McCloskeys. This week the FBI announced a record 3.9 million background checks for June, the highest monthly total since the FBI began keeping the statistic in 1998. Adjusting to reflect checks only for gun purchases, the National Shooting Sports Foundation says this works out to 2.2 million, a 136% increase over June 2019. NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva says about 40% of these checks are for first-time gun buyers.

This is a warning to the Defund the Police movement about unintended consequences. The more progressives push policies that mean cops won’t be around when people need them, the more they are inviting Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights to protect themselves.

In Chicago this weekend, where police have already lost control, violence erupted, killing 18 and injuring at least 47 more.

You have read many times here on Your Survival Guy the words of encouragement, get your guns and your training now. Now millions of Americans are listening.

Will you?