Gun Buybacks are Ineffective, but This Mayor is Running One Anyway

By NEstudio @

Possibly one of the least effective methods of violence reduction is the gun buyback. Criminals don’t turn in their prized firearms, and what does get turned in is usually a pile of junk that couldn’t cause much damage anyway. Entrepreneurial citizens have even exploited the gun buybacks by turning in crude homemade guns and walking away with cash or gift cards worth much more than their so-called “firearms.”

Despite the poor performance of these programs, St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson has decided to hold one in her city as a means to reduce the rampant violence there.

A.W.R. Hawkins writes:

According to Newsweek, Mayor Krewson said, “We can’t incarcerate our way out of this situation.” So she plans to offer the citizens of St. Louis grocery cards in exchange for their guns. She also plans to increase funding for recreational activities.

State Rep. Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis) reacted to the Mayor’s plan by saying, “I think she’s trying something she feels is going to be effective, but in reality we just know that they’re not.” He pointed to failures of previous buyback efforts in the city and explained that people will simply bring in antique or non-functioning firearms, give them to the city, and walk away with grocery money.

Read more here.

Do gun buyback programs work?