From his Wonderland column in The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Henninger reminds readers of the American political theory that “if black support for Republicans ever reached 20% of the total vote, a Democratic presidential candidate would not be able to win, ever.” Henninger also notes that three recent polls performed by Emerson, Marist, and Rasmussen have found support for the President among black voters near 30%.
Henninger gives credit for this support to the President’s economic policies, which have lowered black and Hispanic unemployment to all-time lows (see the chart below). Henninger also notes that the Democrats running for president seem to want to talk about anything but the current economic success of black and Hispanic families. He writes (abridged):
Last Friday, stories on the December jobs numbers noted that the unemployment rate of 3.5% was at a 50-year low, with the unemployment rate for African-Americans and Hispanics hitting historic lows, both under 6%. In a 2015 speech on the economy, Hillary Clinton talked about the jobs landscape then: “A quarter of young black men and nearly 15% of all Latino youth cannot find a job.” Those numbers are much better for them now. They know it, and their voting parents and grandparents know it.
One anecdote: I was walking through a neighborhood food court in Manhattan last month and noticed a new counter that sells smoked fish. Behind it, learning the operation, were five employees—all in their 20s and all black or Hispanic. A thought occurred to me: That’s the Trump economy. That is the reality behind the monthly jobs numbers. An entrepreneur got a loan to open this small business and gave these five what looked like their first jobs. Also reported in the past two years is how workers in their first or second jobs are moving up the pay scale into higher-level jobs.
In the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night, there was virtually no recognition that any of this was happening. To a woman and man, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, and Joe Biden believe all the widely reported job and income gains the past three years have fallen into the hands of guys in top hats, cutaway coats and spats. Sens. Sanders and Warren are wallowing in Depressionphilia.
But maybe some of these minority voters—maybe even the additional numbers Mr. Trump needs to earn 15% to 20% of the black vote—don’t think work grows on trees or out of federal transfer payments and do believe this president’s policies have contributed to their paychecks and improved prospects.
Read more here.
E.J. Smith - Your Survival Guy
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