"I'm Not the Victim Hillary Needs Me to Be"

kimberly-corbanIn a response to a Democratic presidential debate question on Oct. 13, 2015 Hillary Clinton put NRA members as a list of enemies she is most proud of. Here’s what Kimberly Corban had to say about it:

Clinton’s declaration made us wonder how NRA members feel about being recklessly declared her enemy. So we decided to ask them: How does it feel to be named Public Enemy Number 1 by Hillary Clinton?

Today we hear from Kimberly Corban, a rape survivor who was largely dismissed by President Barack Obama at a televised town hall meeting earlier this year.

On May 12, 2006, my life was irrevocably changed. A stranger broke into my college area apartment, held me in my room for two hours and raped me. My horror did not end when I called 911 for help, nor did it cease when my rapist was captured weeks later. Even a guilty conviction at trial with a sentence of 24 years in prison failed to be enough to end the damaging effects that becoming the victim of a violent crime imposes upon a person.

When I went public with my story, I did so in hopes that I could save just one person from having to experience the trauma I had at the hands of pure evil. I dove into therapy, used necessary medication, trained in self-defense tactics and acquired my permit to lawfully carry a concealed firearm. I knew if another situation ever arose where I or my family was in imminent danger, I would have the ability to fight back—not be left defenseless merely hoping to live through yet another nightmare.

Rape Survivor Kim Corban Slams Hillary In Powerful New NRA Ad