“Why is this happening?” You ask yourself. “Why is our supply chain broken? Why are there ghost ships rotting away in global ports and off the shores of California?” When one of these ships loaded with volatile ammonia sat for years in Lebanon, and then they finally unloaded it onshore, it blew up, killing hundreds of people in the resulting explosion. Was it an accident?
When you read about the crews stuck on these ships, being treated like slaves, barely surviving on months of rice and water, a simple question comes to mind. Why are the owners abandoning ship? What businessman would leave his asset to rust away without due compensation? Are they being paid to do so?
Because you and I know there are forces we can’t see working against our way of life every single day. There are globalists, for example, pushing for a Great Reset, that turns your life into a vision of their own. Take a simple spice like cinnamon for example. There may be a surplus of supply but what good is it if there’s no supply of the tiny jars to put it in? Or chips for cars etc. Why wouldn’t globalists grin when such disruptions gives them more power?
You and I know the participation rate of workers is plummeting like an anchor trying to find bottom, scratching for something to take hold of. I look around at my grocery store and see empty registers. Instead of being served by a masked cashier, the store puts me to work at an automated kiosk in the checkout line. Where are all these ghost workers? Day trading?
In a conversation with you this week, we talked about your recent visit to see your mom in New Jersey. She can’t believe the price for a New York Strip you tell me. She’s never seen prices this high. What’s that mean? Will prices continue higher? Stay the same? Plummet in a deflationary death spiral? I know everyone’s talking about inflation but let’s stay out of the prediction business. Shall we? You can only fit so much meat in your freezer.
Action Line: Pay attention to what’s happening. Are you living in a place where a missed Amazon delivery puts you out of commission? Are you being treated like a piggy bank in a Blue State City in the northeast that basically mails all its pension checks to Florida? We need to think this way because common sense is in short supply.