In the past few years the NRA has ramped up its messaging. With ballooning membership of 5 million, and donations rolling in, America’s strongest organization fighting for gun rights has been doing well.
But with the ascendancy of Oliver North to the organization’s presidency, and the addition of an online news channel (NRATV), something unfortunate has begun to happen. While NRA TV has been great at empowering new voices like Dana Loesch, Colion Noir and others, it’s also led to some mission creep.
While segments on drugs, Antifa, The Dangers of Socialism, the Mainstream Media, Jim Acosta, the National Anthem protests, Linda Sarsour, and corruption in Albany appeal to much of the NRA’s mostly conservative member base and may all have entertainment value, they aren’t really about protecting the second amendment. The organization is filling its airtime with other content for ratings.
This sort of mission creep can kill the effectiveness of an organization like the NRA. Up to now, the NRA has been highly effective because it is a credible, single-issue interest group that can mobilize congressmen and senators of both parties to vote against gun control. What happens to the NRA’s credibility when it begins alienating Blue Dog and other pro-Second Amendment Democrats with its conservative TV programming?
This is the age of specialization. The NRA’s mission is not to become a miniature version of Fox News. It’s mission is “To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms.”
NRA members, like you and me, are the only check on the misuse of our donations and manpower by those running the organization. Please pay attention to what’s happening at the NRA, and act in a way that will protect the institution.