On Black Friday, Americans swarmed gun shops across America, buying all manner of firearms. The FBI reported that the day saw a record 203,086 requests for instant background checks (NICS).
Background checks aren’t a perfect measure of gun sales because some requests are rejected, and some requests are for more than one firearm. But as a measure of intensity for the firearms market, the NICS number is superb.
But what does all that gun buying mean? Americans are possibly afraid of future laws restricting gun purchases. But they are also keenly aware of their own survival responsibility in a way they haven’t been for a long time.
As I wrote last week, there is a new survival industry taking shape. Pushing its growth is an American population picking its head up out of the sand and looking at the reality of its own responsibilities.
Police and first responders do an amazing job. But they can’t be everywhere at once, and often show up well after a bad situation has taken place.
Americans have realized that they are their own best hope.
I encourage anyone making the decision to buy a firearm to take charge of their own self-defense to seek training. See my series Get Your Gun and Your Training Now here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Get Your Gun and Your Training Now: Revisited.