In eight days Americans will head to the polls to vote for every seat in Congress. Many predictions say Democrats will retake the House of Representatives. If that happens, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is likely to regain her perch as Speaker of the House.
Over the past two years, President Trump has led America into an economic resurgence it had been craving, but unable to obtain under the leadership of President Barack Obama. Trump’s tax and regulation cutting strategy has unleashed American businesses, and given confidence to America’s consumers. Putting Nancy Pelosi back in the Speaker’s chair will threaten all that has been gained under Trump’s administration.
This weekend, Pelosi herself recognized that her policies will hurt Americans economically. Matt Vespa, writing at explains Pelosi’s comments:
With House Democrats in charge, expect insanity. I mean, we’ve seen it hardcore this year, but jack it up to eleven, with endless subpoenas, investigations, and the grand resurgence of the Red Scare. Yes, Russian collusion nonsense will reach an ever greater fever pitch than it is now. As for the economy, well, high taxes and regulations are going to try and make a comeback. The economy is booming right now. Just watch what happens when you put a Democrat in charge, especially since this party is undergoing a far left facelift. For those who disagree with this route and might get screwed over with this lurch to the Left approach to the economy, Rep. Pelosi was frank: “so be it” (via Free Beacon):
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said over the weekend that her preferred economic policies would entail “collateral damage” on certain groups.
Pelosi was going back and forth on climate change and its connection to job creation and prosperity with Paul Krugman, an economist and New York Times columnist. After finishing a sweeping discussion about those topics, Pelosi made the case that liberal policies would entail “collateral damage for some others who do not share our view” but ultimately help the country.
“We owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country, and if there is some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it, but it shouldn’t be our original purpose,” Pelosi said.
She wasn’t specific, but we all know whom she was probably referring to with these remarks: Rural voters, Republicans…Trump voters. They don’t care about these people, which is roughly half the country. They only care about the liberal enclaves and the cities. Typical, but also the only areas where liberals reign supreme, peddling their garbage politics with an appalling sense of arrogance, which masks their idiocy. We all know what their economic agenda is; Obama executed one of the cornerstones before Trump stopped it: the clean power plan (aka a jobs and economy killer).
Read more here.
E.J. Smith - Your Survival Guy
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