You don’t need politicians telling you how to live your life. But that’s not stopping Mr. Big Gulp himself, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, from sticking his thumb in every pie. Now he’s targeting Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire for rejecting the recent gun bill in the Senate.
Not every state is as dark blue as NYC. New Hampshire is decided by independents. According to a recent national survey by the Pew Research Center and The Washington Post, 48% of independents were very happy or relieved that Manchin-Toomey failed in the Senate, while 41% were disappointed or angry. Bloomberg should leave the “Live Free or Die” state alone.
I’m a concealed-carry permit holder in the state of New Hampshire. I am exempt from background checks when buying a gun from a federally licensed dealer. If the Senate bill had passed, I would still be able to purchase a gun without a background check from a federally licensed dealer. If you don’t have your concealed-carry permit, then now is the time to get it. Operate with the expectation that a revised form of Manchin-Toomey will be reintroduced. Beat inertia before it’s too late.
Because a victory by the antigun lobby will give it the confidence to trample all over your Second Amendment rights, it’s up to you to take the necessary steps now, while you still can. If it’s up to guys like Mayor Bloomberg, “gun-free zones” will be all over the country.
Gun-free zones are like a welcome mat for criminals. As gun policy authority John Lott says,
I have long warned about the dangers of gun-free zones, and my latest book, At the Brink, provides additional detailed discussion. If a violent criminal were stalking you, would you put up a sign in front of your home stating that your home was a gun-free zone? My guess is that you wouldn’t. Indeed, I have debated a lot of gun-control advocates, and I have never met someone who would put up such a sign in front of their home. Why? Because instead of deterring crime, such a sign would be an invitation to the criminal to attack.
Mayor Bloomberg has done more to boost sales of both Big Gulps and guns than any ad campaign could ever hope to do. It’s time you take care of business before it’s too late. His bony little finger is pointing at New Hampshire. But don’t think the $27-billion man will stop there.