New Hampshire Is Open for Business!

Fall colours in Franconia Notch State Park, White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, USA. By Winston Tan @

Visitors are flocking to New Hampshire this fall for the foliage and festivities. WBAL reports:

Fall time activities were in full swing in New England over the weekend. Like every year, the fall foliage is drawing people from all over the world into New Hampshire.

The annual pilgrimage to see the awesome autumn colors is proving so popular this year that some people say they’re getting stuck in leaf-peeping traffic jams.

Photos from Franconia Notch on Sunday showed vivid foliage, but also bumper-to-bumper traffic.

At Mack’s Apples in Londonderry, New Hampshire, apple picking, pumpkin picking and hayrides are always popular, especially this past weekend.

“We were just swarmed,” Mike Cross, the farm manager at Moose Hill Orchards said.

“We have three different ‘you pick’ stations open that are all pretty large – you know, 8 or 10 acres a piece – and they were all mobbed. The farm stand was mobbed. It’s a really good weekend. We’re happy.”

Heavy traffic was reported up and down Interstate 93 over the weekend, including on Monday afternoon, at the end of the holiday weekend.

Action Line: New Hampshire is Your Survival Guy’s 2022 #1 Super State. The Granite State’s low taxes and freedom make it one of America’s best. If you’re looking to enjoy a Liberty Retirement but don’t want to head south, New Hampshire may be an option for you. Your Survival Guy spends a lot of time in New Hampshire. If you want to meet there and talk about your retirement, get in touch. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter, and you’ll learn more about me and how I help American families improve their personal and financial security.