You’re telling me what friends are asking you the most. But first, let’s take a step back. You’ve been through a lot over the last year. Most of you stuck with me as we watched the world turn upside down. We lived to fight another day. Hey, I’m Your Survival Guy, not your “hope we make it” guy; what did you expect? You didn’t think I’d leave you behind, did you?
You didn’t panic (maybe a little), you didn’t drop to your knees and raise your hands to the sky in despair (it’s OK, no one saw that), and you stuck to your plan (too scary not too). You made it through in your own way in one of the most trying years of your life. You deserve to soak it all in for a moment.
OK, that’s enough.
You’re telling me the one question you’re being asked by your friends is, “How are you managing your money—are you working with someone?” Don’t think they’re happy for you. PLEASE. It’s your inner peace that eats them alive. They want THAT. They need that. And they don’t care how much it costs (our fee is less than one percent per year).
I’ve never had more new clients sign up than over the last year—ever. Just yesterday, for example, a client told me his sister-in-law asked him how he handles his money. She wonders why he never talks about money, yet seems to have plenty of it, and is always golfing. You and I know how.
So it looks like we’ll be living with this virus for the rest of our lives. We’re not going back to the way things used to be. You need to plan your investment strategy accordingly. I don’t need to tell you what you’re seeing in your neck of the woods. The truth is right in front of our eyes. We just need the courage to act.
Action Line: You’re the best advocate to speak up for yourself—to achieve the success you deserve. You just need to be reminded every now and then how to think about yourself and to get what you need.