Over the years I’ve paid close attention to America’s power grid. The grid is vulnerable. The electricity that comes to Americans’ homes is vital to the standard of living. Some people even rely on electricity to power the medical equipment that keeps them alive. Survivalists and all Americans should be concerned about the deficiencies in the nation’s power grid. The current system is really a patchwork of interconnected systems that hasn’t had a fundamental upgrade since its creation in the 1800s.
In recent years, new technology has been developed that, if implemented, could make America’s power grid more reliable, and more efficient. The technology is called High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC). HVDC is actually an old concept, and has been used many times, but the recent advancements in technology give HVDC the ability to transport power over long distances.
The world’s other great powers are already implementing HVDC on their grids, and are exploring the potential of the technology for a further rollout. China has long been rolling out HVDC as part of its Three Gorges Dam project. And Germany has implemented HVDC systems as well.
America also has some operating HVDC systems, but with careful implementation, America could use nationwide HVDC to make its own rickety power infrastructure more reliable and efficient.