Kamala Harris’s Latest Big Mistake

By Ricardo @ Adobe Stock

UPDATE 10.14.24: Things just keep getting worse for Kamala Harris. Her lead in national polls is disappearing, and Donald Trump is ahead in nearly every swing state, according to the RealClearPolitics averages of polls. In the New York Post, Miranda Devine discusses the different effects the two major party presidential candidates’ picks for VP have had, writing:

As the latest polls Sunday showed Donald Trump and Kamala Harris neck and neck with just 23 days to go until the presidential election, Democratic spinmeisters are trying to calm the bedwetters, and Barack Obama has been dispatched to scold black men for not being impressed by his protégé.

But as uncomfortably close as this election is, one thing is certain: Tim Walz has to be the worst VP pick on record, in stark contrast to JD Vance.

If Harris loses, her self-indulgent decision to reject popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro in favor of a running mate even dumber than she is will go down in the Democrats’ Hall of Fame as the worst own goal of all time.

What the choice of running mate tells you about each candidate is profound.

Trump’s choice of the brilliant Senator Vance tells you he is comfortable in his own skin, secure about his own achievements and not threatened by a younger, more articulate MAGA exemplar.

Read more about J.D. Vance here.

Originally posted on October 10, 2024.

After briefly taking leads in many of America’s swing states, Kamala Harris is quickly falling behind Donald Trump in the polls. A.G. Gancarski reports in the New York Post:

Democrats are counting on three swing states and their 44 electoral votes to deliver the White House to Kamala Harris in 26 days.

Yet voters in Michigan and Wisconsin — two of the three so-called blue-wall states the veep is counting on to secure her promotion — prefer Donald Trump, according to new polling from Quinnipiac University conducted Oct. 3 through 7.

In Michigan, where 15 electoral votes are at stake, half of the 1,007 likely voters surveyed support the former president in a multi-candidate race.

Harris is 3 points behind at 47%, and Libertarian Chase Oliver and independent Cornel West have 1% backing.

Trump’s lead comes down to a marginal edge with independents (48% to 46%), a huge lead with voters without college degrees (65% to 33%) and an 8-point lead with voters under 35 years of age (51% to 43%).

When just Trump and Harris are offered as options, the former president has majority support: 51% to 47%.

Harris was up by 5 in the state in September’s Q poll, suggesting a massive trend going the Republican’s way.

Action Line: Now that Americans have gotten a better look at Kamala Harris, they’re realizing they want no part of her. When you can make out what she means between her many word-salad answers, all you get is a rehash of the talking points of the radical progressive wing of her party. Even many Democrats are tired of where the radicals have taken America over the last few years. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.