Rittenhouse Prosecutor Says Hollowpoints “Explode”: Ignorance Breeds Fear

By Brett Hondow @ Shutterstock.com

Of all the crazy and inaccurate things Americans have heard Thomas Binger say over the last couple weeks, possibly the strangest is that hollowpoint bullets “explode.” Binger has been fixated on the difference between full metal jacket rounds and hollowpoint rounds, for some inexplicable reason. AWR Hawkins reports on Binger’s statements at Breitbart.com:

Prosecutor Thomas Binger cross-examined Kyle Rittenhouse in court on Wednesday and suggested hollow point bullets are designed to “explode” inside an animal.

“Hollow point bullets are designed to hit the animal that they’re being shot at, let’s say a deer for example, and explode inside that body, correct?” Binger said.

Rittenhouse shook his head left to right and said, “No, I don’t think so.”

Judge Bruce Schroeder then interjected and asked Binger to clarify as to whether he meant “expand” or “explode.”

At that point, Binger rephrased his question and asked Rittenhouse what “a hollow point bullet would do if it were shot…at a deer?”

Binger’s emphasis on ammunition came after Rittenhouse had already confirmed that his AR-15 was loaded with full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets, rather than hollow points.

Gun owners are used to dealing with ignorant anti-gun activists trying to take away their guns. There are some famous word-salads that have been served up by anti-gun politicians, including this infamous one from California Democrat State Senator Kevin de Leon:

Or this doozy from Barack Obama, insisting that it’s easier for some kids to buy guns than it is for them to buy books.

And one cannot forget Dianne Feinstein insisting that it is legal to hunt human beings.

Action Line: You never know when that ignorance will make you or your family its target. That ignorance, projected to the American people from the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world breeds fear. Get your gun and your training now.