Drain the Swamp: Part IV

Here are three things that I’ve been thinking about over the weekend after Donald Trump’s inauguration speech.

1) It was hard to miss President George W. Bush’s reaction right when the speech was over. His face was a mix of shock and a “good luck with that!” expression. It captured the beauty of Trump’s message which was difficult to deliver: The guys on the stage sitting behind me have been in charge of a system that is broken. It will change.

2) Chuck Schumer’s embarrassing introduction/power grab. It was yet another example of how divided we are as a country. Forget Trump’s speech that some are calling militant. Stage-hog Schumer spoke to those who want more government in their lives.

3) Which brings me to the women’s march on Saturday. The media covered it as if it were the main event of the weekend. Keep tweeting Mr. Trump. The media isn’t going to change. Why should you?

4) Bonus: I love Kellyanne Conway. Since she joined team-Trump, she has been nothing but professional. And yet at every turn the media and the elites skewer her. It should not be offensive to display one’s love of country and patriotism. She bleeds red, white and blue.