“Thus, this matter of choosing the ‘best’ stocks is at bottom a highly controversial one,” wrote Ben Graham in his masterpiece The Intelligent Investor, the definitive book on value investing described by his former student Warren Buffett as, “By far the best book on investing ever written.”
“Our advice to the defensive investor (Your Survival Guy’s emphasis) is that he let it alone. Let him emphasize diversification more than individual selection.”
That’s right, the defensive investor, not “Mr. I Own This Incredible Stock.”
Because it’s the defensive investor who appreciates what he has. The defensive investor understands how hard he worked to get to where he is. That’s the very reason he’s defensive. The cost is too high to reproduce it all, and most of all, there’s not enough time.
In my conversations with you, I understand who you are, my defensive investor, because you tell me your story. Many of you would be just fine collecting interest from savings, but you realize you can’t do that and keep up your purchasing power, especially in these inflationary times. Therefore, you’re resigned to invest in the market, but not without help from an expert.
Action Line: You deserve to work with someone who understands you. When you’re ready to tell me your story, let’s talk. I’m all ears. But only if you’re serious.