CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY: Gun Grabber Scare Tactics Fall Flat

By Joe Belanger @

You hear it every time. When a state is preparing to pass a constitutional carry bill, the gun control crowd begins chanting its mantra “violent crime will increase.” Like a monastic order, or perhaps more like a cult, it never fails. But the evidence just doesn’t agree. At Inside Sources, Ray Nothstine and John Ferebee explain:

Since 1997 when the study of right-to-carry (both shall-issue and permitless carry) laws’ impact on crime began, 40 of the 52 studies showed that the implementation of right-to-carry laws either did not increase or coincided with a decrease in violent crime.

When analyzing violent crime rates of constitutional carry states (with enough data) in years since enactment, the states either reflected the national trend in violent crime or showed a relative decrease in their violent crime rates. It is certainly more likely that violent crime trends nationwide are driven by socioeconomic factors, illegal immigration, family-unit collapse, woke prosecutors, and the opioid crisis than any concealed carry laws. The negative or no net change in violent crime rates in states with constitutional carry easily refutes any assertion that these laws will turn our country into a mythicized view of the Wild West.

A common, albeit misguided, criticism of constitutional carry is that “anyone is allowed to carry a gun.” Fortunately, this is not the case. Those who have a felony or other violent convictions are subject to restraining orders, or are otherwise prohibited by law from purchasing guns are also barred from carrying them under a permitless system. Individuals must still meet the qualifications and pass a background check to buy a gun to carry it. Thus, like North Carolina’s pistol purchase permit, the state’s concealed carry permitting system is a needless and redundant system rendered obsolete by superior federal background checks. North Carolina currently allows qualified citizens to carry guns openly without a permit, which may alarm some but has presented no danger to the public or increased crime.

Action Line: This year already, four states—AlabamaOhio, Indiana, and Georgia—have enacted constitutional carry laws, protecting the natural born freedoms of their citizens. If you haven’t already, get your gun and your training now. And stick with me to follow America’s growing permitless carry movement.