Originally posted on February 5, 2021.
You know they’re coming after your guns through HR 127. They’re calling for a Great Reset because of a so-called climate crisis. And what they say they’re doing, making you safer and protecting the environment, does anything but that.
Tens of thousands of jobs will be lost, you won’t be able to defend yourself, and prices will go through the roof. Not to mention the environment won’t be any better when the real problem is China and other bad actors that become stronger from our missteps.
Let’s ruin an environmentally friendly pipeline so we can send natural gas by truck or train. Look at the price of natural gas—way up—and gun sales (America’s #1 saleswoman in 2020—Kamala Harris). The market doesn’t lie like a politician. And climate czar John Kerry justifies his private jet because he needs to get to meetings faster to take care of business. America could stand him being laid over in some far away airport for an extended stay at a Motel 6, don’t you think?
Meet the peace, love, and happiness progressives—the new Authoritarians—where you wear your mask, or else. Blue state governors allow schools to remain shut down, letting kids rot at home. And in the heat of the crisis, they send the sick to nursing homes Cuomo style. And this is for your protection?
Politicians protect themselves from you. In your county’s capital, they’re surrounded by steel fences and armored guards. But you can’t have your guns? Technocrats steal your information and you’re the product they sell to advertisers. Or, they sell information on what stocks you trade to the real customers of Robinhood—the hedge funds. Those free trades are anything but free.
You’re living in a virtual panopticon. You need to virtually secede to where you can live your life without feeling like you’re being watched all of the time. See what Gov. Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida, see where your nearest Second Amendment sanctuary municipality is, or find a Red State you love. Get out of debt. Keep your job. Work longer. Do what you need to do because they have big plans for you.
Action Line: We are not going back to the way life used to be. Prepare as necessary. I believe in you.