Originally posted on October 22, 2020.
Your Survival Guy filled out paperwork last night for an ArmaLite AR-10. For those of you wondering why, I did it for three reasons.
For one, I have a friend who owns a ranch in Texas—an expanse as far as the eye can see. He owns an AR-10. Your Survival guy was intrigued.
Second, I see it as a complement to my AR-15. The caliber ammo for an AR-10 is .308. An AR-15 .223. Unless you’ve been living in Joe Biden’s basement the last few months, you know ammo is as rare as hens’ teeth—and expensive. A little diversification never hurt no one.
Your Survival Guy also hung around the gun club last night, and it was buzzin’. Never before have I seen so many pick-up trucks backed in to parking spots (always for easy departure). I’ve also never heard so much chatter by members about the state of the Second Amendment.
Now for the third and most important reason. You and I know the #1 gun salesman in America was former Pres. Obama, but he’s being outgunned by Harris/Biden. And that’s the #1 reason I own an AR-10—we’re absolutely in their sites.
Action Line: There’s never a bad time to get your guns and your training. But there absolutely could be a terrible time getting one of them in the future. Do one thing today to put yourself in the game before it’s too late. Because no one is going to take action for you. I’m here to help you and your family beat that awful foe called inertia. “The range is hot!”