New Traveler’s Guide To Gun Laws Available

If you are a gun owner and plan on traveling at all with your firearms, you must understand the laws of the states you are passing through and visiting. There’s no better resource available for that than the 2018 Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States written by J. Scott Kappas, Esq.

The staff of the NRA magazine America’s 1st Freedom write of the book:

The book, just updated for 2018, helps gun owners stay abreast of the most up-to-date laws for each state. Author J. Scott Kappas presents the information by state, and each entry includes a short checklist of the laws for such things as concealed-carry reciprocity, magazine-capacity restrictions, right to self-defense and more.

The 2018 edition includes more than 100 changes since 2017, one being that Kappas includes breakout listing for what to do in hotels.

Read more here.