Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line to the presidency. If that statement didn’t already scare you, read Pelosi’s remarks regarding the disastrous job Joe Biden has done withdrawing from Afghanistan. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board rips Pelosi’s remarks writing:
Politics often requires blind loyalty, and on Afghanistan the word blind clearly applies to Nancy Pelosi. On Sunday the House Speaker issued a statement that began, “The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and the actions he has taken.”
Then she got rolling. “We are deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls. The U.S., the international community and the Afghan government must do everything we can to protect women and girls from inhumane treatment by the Taliban,” Mrs. Pelosi said.
But the “international community” was doing precisely that by maintaining a modest allied force and air power in Afghanistan. Now they’re gone, and we can see what will happen to the women and girls of that country.
“Any political settlement that the Afghans pursue to avert bloodshed must include having women at the table,” the Speaker added. Gotta love that “must.” That should impress the Taliban as it closes schools for girls, forces marriages to Taliban fighters, and bars women from public or prominent commercial life.
Mrs. Pelosi is so used to giving political lectures she doesn’t seem to realize she is detached from reality.
Action Line: America is currently led by radicals more interested in maintaining their narratives than protecting citizens. It’s time to look after your own survival. Start by taking a look at my Top 10 Best States for Survival.