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A Word on Stocks

It’s been quite the week, wouldn’t you say? Speculators (I will not call them investors) are wondering what’s happening to their money, staring at their screens, thinking, “How could this happen to me?” When they call their broker (not a fiduciary), they ask questions like “Bob, how are we doing?” “We?” I spit out my […]

Is Vanguard Too Big? What’s Next?

You know Your Survival Guy has some questions about Vanguard. You can read about them in my SPECIAL REPORT: The Trouble with BlackRo… er… ummm, Vanguard, but it turns out the U.S. government may have some concerns with Vanguard too. You see, Vanguard, along with BlackRock and State Street, have become so large that their […]

Boomer Candy?

You should be careful chasing “Boomer Candy.” This is no fantasy land. Products like these may work fine in calm markets, but when panic sets in, it may be another story. And watch out for the tax hit. Laura Saunders reports on the rise of covered-call and derivative-income exchange traded funds, writing: For example, will […]

My BEST Insider’s Guide to Key West

Plan your Key West Getaway now. Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your tropical vacation. Beautiful places are getting busier and busier. When you arrive, I want you to feel like an insider. Here’s what I wrote to you in Your Survival Guy’s BEST Insider’s Guide to Key West: Happy Monday from New […]

Having Fun Yet? Nasdaq Worst Day in Years

“A stock-market selloff intensified Wednesday, wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars in value from the Magnificent Seven group of tech giants and pushing the Nasdaq Composite to its first decline of 3% or more in 400 trading days,” reads the WSJ. Are we having fun yet? Your Survival Guy’s not tooting his own horn […]

Pay Attention: Self-Defense is a Perishable Skill

In my conversation with you yesterday, you told me how your mom’s account was hacked—victimized by a fraudster who stole four figures worth of money. Thankfully, she has a son like you to help her navigate getting her computer fixed and her account made whole. Self-defense isn’t always physical. But even you, enjoying your retirement […]

You Want Maine Lobster

Yesterday, you told me you’re looking forward to hosting your family’s reunion and having some Maine lobster. It reminded me of a note you sent years ago. When I read your piece “You Want Maine Lobster” it brought back memories of my days of frequent trips to the Boston area. My biggest customer at the time (1971-1978 or […]

ENJOY: Kermit Lynch (age 82) and Your Favorite Wines

My favorite wines are the ones you enjoy drinking. The same can be said for what motivates Kermit Lynch when sourcing French and Italian wines. I love how he writes about wine because I relate to why he enjoys it. I hope you will, too: Cleaning up my home office quite thoroughly for the first […]

BUILDING A GO BAG: Taking Action Is Hard

Are you ready to evacuate today? Tomorrow? How long would it take your family to get on the road? Do you live by the ocean? How about Tornado Alley? Wild fire country? Over a fault line? Blizzard territory? Nearly every part of America could face some form of natural disaster requiring evacuation. You don’t want […]

Concerns with Vanguard? How to Move to Fidelity

Now that Your Survival Guy has made clear my concerns about Vanguard, why and how should you move to Fidelity? Fidelity Investments: Why it’s #1 Do You Know Fidelity’s Best Kept Secret Weapon? Breaking News: Why Fidelity is #1 Rich CEO, Poor CEO? Why Fidelity is Number One Schwab vs. Fidelity: Separate Your Banking from […]

Island in the Sky: C-130J Super Hercules

Your Survival Guy is a big fan of the C-130J Super Hercules, what I refer to as an Island in the Sky. Action Line: Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.

Time to Flee? Discover Your Survival Super State

Earlier this year, Your Survival Guy released his 2024 Super States. Now, with everything that’s happening in the country, the push will continue toward states’ rights. Begin your family’s search for safer pastures here. Your Survival Guy’s 2024 Super States is in, and I wonder: Is it time to flee? Because this is the beginning […]

Vanguard Study: 68% of Rollover IRAs Missing Out

“In a recent survey of over 500 Vanguard IRA clients who completed a rollover in 2023 but were still in cash in June, 68% didn’t know how their IRA money was invested,” explains the WSJ from a Vanguard study on rollover IRAs. The report continues to illustrate how investors who move money from their 401(k)s […]

My Favorite Arrondissements in Paris

With the Olympics about to kick off in Paris, there’s been a lot of news coverage of the city where Your Survival Guy has spent more time than most tourists at this point. In The Wall Street Journal, J.S. Marcus has prepared a review of Paris’s neighborhoods. Your Survival Guy’s favorite arrondissements in the city […]

When You Hear the Words “Robo Adviser,” Run

The first sentence of a Wall Street Journal piece by AnnaMaria Andriotis tells you all you need to know: “Goldman Sachs is turning to Main Street investors to boost its fee revenue.” Goldman Sachs is coming to Main Street, not to help investors, but to boost its fee revenue. You already know what Your Survival […]