These are troubled times. ESG, digital currencies, too big to fail, U.S. dollar reserve currency status on shaky ground; what’s next? I’ll tell you. It’s time to batten down the hatches. Invest where you get paid. Save ‘til it hurts. Live within your means. Work for as long as you can. Get multiple streams of income in your portfolio.
My goal for you is to take advantage of cash flow. It’s why I want you to have some dividend religion and a fixed income strategy for times like these. I want you to own your stocks and bonds outright. I don’t want you in the mutual fund kiddie pool with the others. I want you at the private spa. I want you to establish an account with my favored Fidelity Investments.
Once you’re set up with Fidelity, you’re doing business with a private company, not a publicly traded one like Schwab, and unlike Schwab, Fidelity is not a bank. Have you looked at Schwab’s stock price lately? Not good.
Action Line: This is a generational opportunity in fixed income. Don’t settle for a portfolio that’s good enough. There’s too much riding on it. Let’s talk.