The numbers ain’t pretty. Unemployment went from a near-record low to high in a matter of weeks; the T-bill rate, the investor’s North Star, is a fallen one (see below); gold is up, and background checks are still high (about double compared to this time last year).
Elevated risks are everywhere and yet the Nasdaq trades as if there’s “nothing to see here,” as retail investors run ‘em up like .com days. It’s truly breathtaking.
In my conversations with you, you’re telling me it’s because of times like these you’re with us. You also tell me, if you’re not a client, how much you miss Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report. I get it. But if you’re not a client, seriously, what are you waiting for? There have been plenty of buying opportunities over the last few weeks. You can’t afford to miss the boat here.
If you’re on your own, do me a favor—make sure you have your downside protected. Remember, the pain of losing money far outweighs the euphoria of making it. And when we are in a time of survival, and as Your Survival Guy, you want your investments to be able live to fight another day, no matter what the second wave looks like.
Emotions are running high, the numbers stink. And yet it’s the cool, calm, and collected investor who is busier than ever.