Is your good-for-nothing cash doing anything with its life? Please don’t tell me it’s sitting around eating all your food and drinking all your wine. That’s no way to go through life. Maybe it’s time your cash goes on a liver cleanse. But, if that’s not in the cards, there’s an easier way to whip it into shape—no boot camp required.
(Read 4 Life Changing Words for Your Survival Guy: “You Should Try This” – Your Survival Guy).
Your Survival Guy knows what you’re dealing with. Your bank is getting fat by lending out your cash for a song and paying you peanuts. Banks are always slow to pay up. But don’t despair. Higher interest rates on your cash are there for the pickin’ if you’re a savvy investor.
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Yes, CDs are paying. But they’re not liquid like cash. I’m talking about keeping your cash liquid and earning a decent yield. I’m talking about getting that cash into a money market (I prefer Fidelity and Vanguard). Get that cash working. It’s been doing nothing for far too long. Beat inertia. Let’s go.
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