Your Personal Safety: Check Your Gun Safe Regularly

You don’t want to be in a position where an avoidable system-fail puts you in a bad spot. Here’s a quick fix I’ve done to my Sentry Safe.

Another bit of required maintenance for many of these gun safes is changing the battery. Make a schedule for yourself to regularly check your safe’s battery and replace it when necessary. The last thing you want to find yourself doing is fumbling around in the dark looking for your backup key when there’s trouble coming up your stairs.

Action Line: Your firearm relies on a number of support systems in order to be useful. Things like your safe, ammo, flashlights, lasers, optics, etc. You not only need to clean your gun, but make sure all the support systems are maintained as well.

P.S. Yesterday the House of Representatives passed a bill for universal background checks that Sen. Dianne Feinstein basically called a warmup to an assault weapons ban. If you haven’t already, get your gun and your training now.